Tuesday, March 15, 2011

All Hale My Bests Birthday!!

Today, the best friend ill ever have was born. It took 19 years for our paths to finally cross, but when they did the collision was that of an explosive glittery firework. It was my first year of college and i was eager to meet everyone, do everything, and ultimately get into the most trouble as possible without getting arrested.

It was during this week i noticed a blonde haired boy in ALL of my classes. We were in the same department with the same schedule. A recipe for perfect catastrophe. During our friday class i turned around in my seat, stared directly into my targets eyes and crazily said, "Hey im Heather, we have every class together. Were going to be BEST FRIENDS."

After time, I later learned upon our initial introduction the best friend thought I was completely insane.

Those initial feelings were later confirmed through our friendship.

William has stood by me, picked me up, and fell down with me time and time again. I cant emphasize how amazing he is and how much I love him.

SO heres to you BEST FRIEND!


And i even drew you a picture....meet me at the ice cream truck?



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