Monday, March 25, 2013

I mean buisness

You know when you start writing a blog post and then you get REAL close to the end and then everything gets deleted so you have to start over?

Well THAT just happened. How irritating.

So here is goes, round deuce.

Over the weekend I was photographing some work with the help of the talented, Michelle Graham. I realized I had never once photographed my business cards that I've been using for the past 4 years...
this is long overdo, but here they are:

I'm down to my very last 10, with a re-design in the works. The image used within these cards features one of my woodcuts, "Seizures are Scary". I no longer have that print because it was sold some time ago and I don't think I ever photographed it either...shame on me.

Note to self: ALWAYS photograph work.

These were the first business cards I ever designed so I think they'll always have a soft spot with me. I'm still pretty fond of them and usually I don't like something for such a long period of time.


These were some of the other pieces we photographed over the weekend. It is a printed set of my 7 Deadly Sins acrylic paintings. I ALMOST like this series better as a printed version because the originals are much larger so if you don't have the wall space in your house/apartment/tree fort 11" W x 17" H is a more manageable size to work with.

Welp that about does it for now...have a fab monday everyone.

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